Last update:04/25/2024 09:27:18 pm
Digi/I-gate Call Time since Last Heard Status Source SYSOP
IZ8FPF-11 146 days, 3 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds DEAD! TCP-IP IZ8FPF
IK8SQQ-7 174 days, 21 hours, 55 minutes and 46 seconds DEAD! RF IU8MHJ
IQ8SO-10 9 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes and 46 seconds DEAD! RF IK8SQQ
I8FUC-7 3 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 17 seconds DEAD! RF IQ8SO
I8FUC-10 1 days, 4 hours, 43 minutes and 38 seconds DEAD! TCP-IP I8FUC
IU0DLI-10 214 days, 20 hours, 51 minutes and 47 seconds DEAD! RF I8FUC
IZ0CZW-7 80 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 24 seconds DEAD! RF IU0DLI
IZ0CZW-10 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 46 seconds ALIVE TCP-IP IZ0CZW
IU2OXE-10 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 29 seconds ALIVE TCP-IP IZ0CZW
IZ1BLA-6 25 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes and 39 seconds DEAD! RF IZ2KZV
IZ7BOJ-2 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 34 seconds ALIVE RF IU2OXE
IT9IJI-6 259 days, 22 hours, 27 minutes and 29 seconds DEAD! TCP-IP IZ1BLA
IZ3MEZ-10 5 days, 9 hours, 53 minutes and 51 seconds DEAD! RF IZ7BOJ
IW3HBX-10 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 55 seconds ALIVE TCP-IP IT9IJI
IR7P-5 333 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes and 52 seconds DEAD! TCP-IP IT9BGI
IR7P-10 215 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes and 14 seconds DEAD! RF IZ3MEZ
IT9BDM-10 19 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes and 41 seconds DEAD! TCP-IP IW3HBX

APRS Vitality Dashboard V0.1 Beta by IZ7BOJ Alfredo
Email contact: iz7boj [at] gmail.com